We directed a series of interstitials for Honda as part of the launch of their latest car, the Mobilio. The plot revolves around comedian Kapil Sharma playing a salesman who encounters various personalities in a Honda showroom. He goes on to impress those prospective buyers with his wit & charm and convinces them to buy the car.
Honda Mobilio
Mobilio 1:
Watch our Honda salesman charm his way into selling the all new Honda Mobilio
to a mother-daughter duo.
Client: Honda
Production: Optimystix
Director: Divya Gopalan (Gunpowder)
Mobilio 2:
Watch our Honda salesman charm his way into selling the all new Honda Mobilio
to a neta-chamcha duo.
Client: Honda
Production: Optimystix
Director: Divya Gopalan (Gunpowder)